Alburrica, Barreiro, janeiro 08.
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
revelação, yah?
na foto e no conceito: daniel barros
Alburrica, Barreiro, janeiro 08.
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
conceito & modelo: daniel barros
fotografia: vera marmelo
revelação de 2008
Alburrica, Barreiro, janeiro 08.
kodak Tungsténio 160asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
Eu e o daniel barros somos a revelação de 2008!
VGO - outubro 2007, zdb, Lisboa
kodak 3200asa - mettered as 6400asa, scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
alecrim, Lisboa
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
camões, Lisboa
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
kodak Tungsténio 160asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
fuji 100 asa - slide , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
margarida garcia - Curia, Maxime
ilford delta 3200asa - mettered as 6400asa, scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
fuji 400 asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
obrigada Gonçalo e Sérgio.

sound-check do festival . songs for the 21st cent.
walter benjaminfuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
sound-check do festival . songs for the 21st cent.
chat + joseph
+ walterfuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm

sound-check do festival . songs for the 21st cent.
francisca cortesão
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm

sound-check do festival . songs for the 21st cent.
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm

sound-check do festival . songs for the 21st cent.
walter benjamin
fuji 1600asa , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm
fuji 100 asa - slide , scanned from negative
nikon F80, sigma 24-70mm